Our Ladies Primary School of Lapwing Grove Runcorn are celebrating after being awarded the title of ‘Anthony’s Travel School of the Year’ for 2013was selected.
In association with BUSK, Anthony’s Travel launched competition in June to find a school worthy of the title. Over thirty schools within the area entered, each school had to demonstrate a commitment to road safety, safe school transport and community values.

Explaining the decision to select Our Ladies School, Richard Bamber, a partner in Anthony’s Travel said:

Anthony’s Travel strongly believes that businesses, organisations and schools no matter how big and small can all work together to bring benefits to the local community. Our Ladies school is placed firmly at the heart of their local community and share their resources as a family school for the benefit of others. The school already works with a number of local charities – including one of our Community partner’s Halton Haven Hospice- and we hope to strengthen these links and work with our other charity partners within the area to bring further benefits and understanding. Its a lovely school to visit, they recognise the need for safe transport and their responsibilities to all who have contact with the school, its staff and pupils. They are always pleasure to transport and we look forward to continuing to work together“.

Apart from working together on local community events, Our Ladies School will also benefit from the use of a coach for a trip to Robinwood Residential Centre free of charge together with discounted other transport throughout the year.

In addition the school will receive free transport related Health and Safety advice, Risk assessments from BUSK, transport safety training lesson, prizes for school events, site visit and tour of operations for four selected students, plus a visit to the School from Anthony’s Travel sponsored Special Olympian Omar Haddad.

BUSK is a limited company, non profit making and is recognised as an expert in the vehicular safety of children and young people travelling by road transport. BUSK specialised in all aspects of transporting children including those with special needs on home to school services, UK school trips and visits abroad. It works closely with Roads Policing Units, the Fire & Rescue Service, Casualty Reduction Units, the coach and bus industry and manufacturers and the medical profession. It deals only in facts and is advised legally and professionally by those in the above professions and also by crash test experts. The organisation runs national campaigns including School Transport Safety Week, supports bereaved parents that have lost children on school transport and school trips and write training courses used by road safety professionals in schools for both primary and secondary age groups. Since it started more than twenty years ago, BUSK has been in the forefront for inclusion in national consultation processes and had given evidence to the House of Commons School Transport Committee and on several occasions has given evidence to the National Assembly for Wales for their Learner Travel Measures. BUSK produces road safety resources for use in schools and by those using or making transport arrangements for the use of passenger road transport and is consulted by local authority, the police and others and stages conferences attended by schools and local authorities keen to get it right. BUSK provides a free information and advice service for parents, schools and students undertaking road safety projects.